• by Maazi Obinna Agommuo.

The World is a witness to the celerity with which the West gospelize the transition to Green Energy Initiative with focus on Africa where our Misfit Leaders are coerced to believe that transition to Green Energy is what must bring economic growth and development to the Continent. African Leaders are told never to touch Coal-to-Power projects, saying Fossil is fast losing its grip on the World economy and this is a BIG LIE as they the West cannot do without Fossils, including Coal.

40% of the Petroleum Coke (Fossil Fuel) produced in the World today is used for Electricity Generation. Who are those using the Petroleum Coke for Power Generation? Who uses the balance 60% of the Petroleum Coke that’s injected into the manufacturing Industries to fire up Boilers, Furnaces and Kiln for production of Steel and other Industrial heating process like Calcination, Clinkerization, etc? The answers are not far fetched as the West and East of this World are the ones using this same Petroleum Coke and I don’t know of any Petroleum Refinery in Africa that produces Petroleum Coke.
Africa has huge deposits of Coal but our African Leaders are continually plagued by the Afrophobic West to abandon this huge energy resource leaving the continent to generate only 11.3% of the minimum Energy need of her people as against 1 Kilowatt per Capita as recommended by the World bodies.
Africa contributes maximum of 3.8% only to the 36.3 Billion tons of Global emission of CO2 as at the end of 2021 according to the new IEA analysis. Yet we are told by the Afro-pessimistic West never to conceive the idea of powering our Electricity Generation plants with Coal, so we can remain the Dark continent they want us to be.
The West should leave Africa alone to achieve the minimum Energy height of 1 Kilowatt per Capita that’s to say, 1 x 1.3 Billion Kilowatts (1,300,000 Megawatts) which is 1.3 Gigawatt. This is the minimum Energy need of Africa and not the 147,000 Megawatts of Power she’s currently generating if she must be industrialized enough to engage her active population to work to grow her GDP and her GDP per Capita to the size commensurate with her population of 1.3 Billion people. The less than US$2.5 Trillion GDP Africa is generating is a far cry from what she’s designed to generate when smaller Nations including some States in the US like California is generating US$3.4 Trillion and they are less than 40 Million people. Africa can’t continue to punch below her weight because some imperialistic Afrophobes want her to. Africa must be left alone to realize her potentials.
The West is acutely aware that they cannot sustain the transition to Green Energy program and that the World can never go Green so why are they distracting African Leaders?
Again besides the abundance of Sun, Water, Wind and Gas in Africa to consummate the Green Energy Initiative, all the Metals and Rare Metals including Platinum Group Elements (PGEs) used for manufacturing Green and Renewable Energy Equipments are resident here in Africa, most amongst them in their raw form namely; Aluminum, Titanium, Tungsten, Nickel, Cobalt, Lithium, Manganese, Copper, Magnesium, Lead, Zinc, Silver, Cadmium, Gallium, Germanium, Indium, Selenium, Tellurium, Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Ruthenium, Iridium, Osmium, Chromium, Molybdenum and Silicon, so if African Leaders say no more exploitation and exportation of these Minerals from the African Communities to the West and East of this world, the later day slogan of transition to Green Energy initiative by the pernicious West will stop. Suffice to say, Africa do have all it takes to sustain the so called Green Energy initiative but the West doesn’t. Indeed Africa needs Decolonizers, Deconstructors and Disruptors of the Globalists agenda as Leaders if Africa must realize her utmost potentials.
I therefore call on our frontline Pan-Africanists; Prof. PLO Lumumba, Amb. Dr. Arikana Chihombori Quao, Bishop Maponga Joshua Marara III, Mr Julius Malema and many others to now begin to drum it deep into the ears of our African Leaders that the need to declare state of emergency in our Power sector has become imperative as Power is the most critical infrastructure we need to launch Africa into the very orbit of economic independence. Education of our Children to drive the new Afro-economy is also key but let’s first fix our Power sector while technically educating our children particularly in the area of STEM to lead the new industrial revolution of Africa.
Africans must arise and take charge.

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